Every year, workers in Texas end up in hospitals with serious injuries related to their jobs. Texas is home to some of the most dangerous industries in the country, including farming and oil. If you get injured in an accident in one of these most dangerous jobs in Texas, find out what to do to protect your rights and recover financial compensation.

Oil and Gas

Oil and gas is one of the main industries driving Texas’ economy. Texas is America’s leading producer of crude oil. This industry in Texas employs about 1.8 million people and brings in over $10 billion each year in taxes and royalties. Yet the job itself is incredibly dangerous for workers. It comes with health and safety hazards by its very nature, such as:


  • Highly flammable materials
  • Toxic substances
  • Fires and explosions
  • Long, labor-intensive hours
  • Dangerous equipment and machinery 
  • Falls
  • Confined spaces
  • Transportation accidents


According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 489 oil and gas extraction workers died on the job from 2013 to 2017. While it’s possible to reduce the risks faced by oil and gas workers in Texas, many employers ignore federal safety laws and fail to keep their workers safe.


Construction is another top industry in Texas. Unfortunately, OSHA consistently names construction as the nation’s deadliest industry. Each year, construction accounts for about one-fifth of all worker deaths in the U.S. Some of the most common fatal accidents in construction are falls, scaffold accidents, electrocutions, struck-by object accidents, caught in or between objects or equipment, and machinery accidents. Product manufacturers, employers, property owners and independent contractors may be held responsible for construction accidents in Texas.


The manufacturing industry has many inherent risks – most of which have to do with dangerous equipment and machinery. A worker could be pulled into a piece of machinery that does not have a proper machine guard, for example. Working on an assembly line comes with its own health hazards, such as repetitive motion injuries and back injuries. Assembly lines can mean long hours repeating the same motions over and over, potentially wearing down a worker’s joints and causing long-term health problems, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.


Texas has more farms than any other state in the country. The two largest agricultural sectors in Texas are cattle and cotton. Unfortunately, agriculture and farming are dangerous industries that pose many risks for workers, including heavy machinery and equipment, tractors, power tools, storage structures and silos, unsanitary conditions, heat, pesticides and chemicals, and large animals. In addition, workers’ family members may also be at risk of injuries and illnesses from living near or on job sites in the agricultural industry.

What You Should Do After a Workplace Accident in Texas

If you get injured on the job in Texas, start by gathering as much information and evidence as you can. Take pictures before you leave the site of the accident, for example, and write down the names of any eyewitnesses. Report the accident to a supervisor or manager. Make sure you tell your employer about the accident and injury within at least 30 days so that you qualify for workers’ compensation insurance. Go to a hospital immediately for professional medical care. 


Texas is the only state that does not make workers’ comp insurance mandatory. Ask your employer if they have workers’ compensation insurance and if you are eligible for coverage. If so, file a claim with assistance from your employer to recover financial compensation for your medical bills and lost wages. If you believe that your employer, a coworker or another party could have prevented your work accident, consult with a workplace accident attorney about a potential lawsuit. Do this before you accept a workers’ comp settlement to maximize your financial recovery. An attorney can guide you through all the steps to take after a workplace accident in Texas.