Suing An Uninsured Driver For Damages 

If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, then you know that the aftermath can leave you feeling frustrated and confused. You may have suffered injuries and property damage, which the insurance of the at-fault party is ...

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Most Common Oil Rig Accidents in Texas

As a resident of Texas, you are probably familiar with oil rigs. Texas is one of the country’s top suppliers of oil and natural gas. The oil industry in Texas employs thousands of workers each year. Unfortunately, some of these workers suffer serious and life-threatening ...

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How Much Is Your Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Case Worth?

For at least 34 years, members of the military and armed forces were exposed to dozens of toxic substances and volatile organic compounds because of contaminated water at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. These toxins have been connected to a variety of cancers, diseases and ...

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What Is the PACT Act? 

On August 10, 2022, President Biden signed the PACT Act – the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act – into law. The signing of this act could affect more than five million veterans who have been exposed to ...

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Is it Illegal to Drink While Boating?

Boating is a popular sport and hobby in Texas, with over 7,000 lakes and the Gulf of Mexico bordering one side of the state. Texas has more square miles of water inland than any other state in the country. As with its road and traffic ...

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Do You Need a Boating License in Texas?

A boating license is a requirement for anyone in Texas who wishes to operate a certain type of vessel and was born on or after September 1, 1993. If you were born after this date, you must obtain the correct type of license before taking ...

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What Are the Legal Rights of Nursing Home Residents?

It can be difficult to entrust the care, well-being and life of your elderly loved one to a nursing home in San Antonio. It may provide some peace of mind, however, to know that all nursing homes in the United States must honor the Residents’ ...

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Can a Patient Be Kicked Out of a Nursing Home?

Finding out that your elderly loved one no longer has a place to live or professional caregivers is devastating. Luckily, there are state and federal laws in place to prevent the sudden and unlawful eviction of a nursing home resident. If you believe that a ...

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How Long Does It Take to Get a Settlement Check From a Car Accident?

If you get involved in a car accident in San Antonio, you most likely want to put the whole thing behind you as soon as possible. While some car accident settlements are achieved in about four to six weeks, other cases can take one year ...

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How Does the Car Accident Settlement Process Work?  

If you get into a car accident in San Antonio, receiving benefits to pay for your property damage repairs and hospital bills will involve the insurance settlement process. If this is your first time filing a car accident insurance claim, learning what to expect can ...

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